Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dance and Pregnancy

Woman pregnancy month by month.
When I reached the second trimester of my second pregnancy and was still dancing, many people asked if it was safe for both the baby and me. My answer was that for dancers dancing for over 2 years it's safe to dance until the 7th month of gestation and in my own and actual experience I can tell that I feel great when I am moving and am grateful for the benefits of it as I get bigger! However, it's important to remember that you need to be careful in what you do and always to listen to your body  when it asks to rest. Also, if you consider yourself unfit, don't try to go for the 2 hours in the gym just because you don't want to put too much weight during your pregnancy - This is not the appropriate time for that - choose light exercises such as pilates and stretches always accompanied by a fitness expert, in a safe environment.
Bellow, there's an article from about the "Benefits of Dancing During Pregnancy". I hope you enjoy it as much as I am enjoying my bump! :-)
"According to Ann Cowlin, the founder and director of Dancing Thru Pregnancy (DTP), a Connecticut-based fitness and well-being program that trains professionals to work with women of all ages, dancing during pregnancy, like pilates and walking, can provide numerous benefits for mom and baby. Among them are:
  • relief from pregnancy-related discomforts;
  • improved stamina before, during, and after labor;
  • reduction in the need for medical intervention during labor and birth;
  • and shortening of the postpartum recovery period.
The Mind-Body Connection:
DTP classes around the world teach women a variety of skills through modern dance. In particular, the classes focus on the connection between mind and body. Cowlin explains that, "Mind-Body exercises evoke the Relaxation Response," which helps the brain and body counter stress, "which in turn helps women pay attention to their bodies while they work out. This improves motor efficiency and reduces the risk of injury, and is a central tenet of dance training." Some of the "Mind-Body exercises, or Centering, that is, balancing the body, deep abdominal breathing" are taught using techniques borrowed in the early 1980s from yoga, Pilates, Feldenkrais, and tai chi, explains Cowlin." 

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